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Client Extents are cut off, Can't see banking options

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Client Extents are cut off, Can't see banking options Empty Client Extents are cut off, Can't see banking options

Post  Brwn Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:09 pm

Windows 10 & 11 All sides of the client are cutoff
I have found a way to apply a work around manually.

***Before you start you should export your current registry in case you make a terrible mistake.***

1) Open Command Prompt (CMD)
2) run "regedit" to open registry editor.
3) Navagate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
- Caption Height - Change this value from -330 to -250
- Border Width - Change this value to -15 to 0
- Padded Border Width - Change this value to -60 to 0
4) Log out of Windows and Log back in for changes to be applied.
5) Check to see if this worked.

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